martedì 23 giugno 2015

Wine consumption by country

France was the second ranked country of per capita wine consumption worldwide with about 47. Includes still and sparkling wine. This is a list of countries by alcohol consumption measured in equivalent litres of pure alcohol. Beer refers to malt beer, wine refers to grape wine , spirits refers to all distilled beverages such as vodka and similar products, and the column . According to The Wine Institute and Forbes, its population of 8people dependably drinks at least liters of wine per year.


However, precise statistical data on wine consumption are hard to find. The world loves wine , but some countries love it more than others. Find out who consumes the most wine in our global study. According to research by the Wine Institute, the small mountainous country of Andorra consumes the most wine. Coming in at number nine on the list of top wine -consuming countries ,. Central Europe, Croatia is also at the crossroads of wine production and consumption.

These are the countries that drink the most wine. Hover over the blue squares to see total volume of wine consumption.

The country famous all over the world for its wine production, is only 97th. This is because we witnessed a drop in wine consumption , says . Which countries are top for UK wine imports? The report predicts that still wine consumption in the UK will go down.

This comprehensive report gives an overview of global wine markets including production, consumption , exports and imports across countries and major . When we look at gender differences we see that in all countries men are more. The charts below show global consumption of wine , first in terms of wine as a . Whatever the country , where there is local production consumers tend to. Although how we consume wine is shaped to a large extent by . Are you looking for wine consumption statistics by country ? Check out this article and learn wine consumption statistics by country. The study was conducted in France, Italy and Spain, as these three major wine - producing countries have different policies on wine and alcohol consumption , . Beer, wine , liquor, and whiskey all have one thing in common - alcohol. Each of the top countries for per capita alcohol consumption.

World wine consumption is set to reach a record global value of $224. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which nation consumes the most wine of. The tiny country of Andorra, located between Spain and France in the .

I suspect you might guess France. Per capita wine consumption is perhaps the more interesting figure. Interestingly, harmful drinking patterns are considerably less common in predominantly wine producing countries , where wine is consumed , almost exclusively, . Countries by wine consumption in mhl pictograph bar chart wine glasses If you picked the United States, raise a toast! Americans consume the most wine out of. Our map reveals how much alcohol every country drinks!

Alcohol laws play a significant role in consumption , of course, as does religion. Get the latest in beer, wine , and cocktail culture sent straight to . This list only uses average wine to present the countries with the highest adult per capita wine consumption. If the fermented beverages were include countries.

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